neon sign

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neon sign

更新时间:2024-09-20 05:52:09

英 [ni:ən sain]

美 [ˈniˌɑn saɪn]

neon sign基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. 霓虹灯招牌:9.latest 最新的 | 10.neon sign 霓虹灯招牌 | 11.pickpocket 扒手

2. 氖信号:neon light 氖灯 | neon sign 氖信号 | neon tube 氖管

3. neon sign的意思

3. 氖灯信号:neon indicator ==> 氖管指示器,氖管指示灯 | neon sign ==> 氖灯信号 | neon tube ==> 氖管

  • 临近词
Hint 1 (of 2) : If the prostitute establishment has a barbershop-like sign or neon lighting, then that's the kind of place I'm talking about.(提示1(共2):如果这个小姐馆所有理发店一类的招牌或者是霓虹灯,那么那就是我正谈到的这一种场所。)
You could use this for a neon sign or a glow-in-the-dark object.(你可以在做霓虹招牌或者在黑暗中发光的物体时用到。)
I started with recreating the room and Windows, adding the outside scene roughly according to the above picture and also a couple of details like the neon sign of the hotel-ish complex in front.(我以重新创建空间和窗户作为开始,添加一个大体的室外场景,又添加一些细节,如像是旅馆建筑前面的霓虹红灯标志。)
Guangzhou Ruizhi AD sign production Factory is a manufacturer that excels in the production of large scale LED, Neon advertising signs, precision metal signs and blister light boxes.(广州市锐致广告招牌制品厂(简称:锐致标识)是一家以大型LED广告招牌工程、大型霓虹灯招牌工程、精工金属招牌及吸塑灯箱为主的大型终端生产厂家。)
From somewhere inside the shadowy tavern, lit neon blue from the sign outside the shattered window, old Yuri was still plugging away at the remaining assassins.(阴暗酒馆内的某个地方,借着从破碎的窗户透进来的霓虹招牌的蓝光,老尤里还在抗击剩下的杀手。)
In practice, I found that transformer 152 of the neon-sign type was convenient for developmental-size models.(实际上,我发现氖灯型变压器152很便于实验性模型使用。)
If the prostitute establishment has a barbershop-like sign or neon lighting, then that's the kind of place I'm talking about.(如果妓院有类似理发店的招牌或霓虹灯,那就是我说的那种地方。)
A wedding party poses before a vintage Las Vegas neon sign moments after the marriage ceremony at a nearby chapel.(拉斯维加斯婚礼图片。婚宴摆姿势在一组拉斯维加斯霓虹灯之前片刻在附近小教堂举行结婚典礼之后。)
One astronomer likened it to a flashing neon sign.(一位天文学家将它比作正在闪烁的霓虹招牌。)
We walked past a movie theater with a small neon sign for a bar and disco.(我们路过一家影院,影院的小霓虹灯招牌上闪烁着酒吧和舞厅的字样。)
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